Chapter 34

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However, Ye Qin always believed that Light Elemental Spirit Roots should be either white or golden in color. He never thought it would be green, which didn't seem to match.

But Huang Quan was so confident in her response that Ye Qin had to make a guess.

Huang Quan looked at the book, knew what Light Elemental Spirit Roots were, and shook her head, saying, "It's not."

Ye Qin, upon seeing her shake her head, asked, "My deathly aura is similar to the power of Dark Elemental Spirit Roots, and Light Elemental Spirit Roots can purify darkness. I can only guess it's Light Elemental Spirit Roots. If it's not, then what kind of Spirit Roots do you have?"

Huang Quan smiled and said, "Can Light Elemental Spirit Roots resurrect the dead?"

This statement made Ye Qin's gaze towards Huang Quan even deeper.

The two stared at each other, communicating everything without words.

After a long while, Ye Qin turned his head slightly and said softly, "Don't casually reveal such matters."

Huang Quan blinked and said, "I only said it because it's you."

"Even if it's me, you still shouldn't say it," Ye Qin looked at her and said with a serious tone, "Your power is too unique. If others find out, they will stop at nothing to capture you and force you to use it."

The ability to resurrect the dead!

Once this power became known, anyone would go mad to possess it!

The power to heal and purify compared to resurrecting the dead, wasn't even worth considering. No wonder she was so confident in the uniqueness of her power.

This kind of power, with no recorded history, was indeed unique.

Huang Quan propped her head up with one hand, wearing a sweet smile, and said, "I'm not afraid."

"Still, you shouldn't talk about it casually."

"I know," Huang Quan said. Looking at his serious expression, she smiled and her eyes sparkled. "I only told you."

"My third brother doesn't know yet," Huang Quan added after a pause, "but after some time, I'll tell him."

Upon hearing Huang Quan say, "I only told you," Ye Qin was first stunned, but then a sense of joy welled up in his heart.

"Alright," Ye Qin nodded and turned to walk towards the kitchen. "What would you like for lunch?"

"I'll eat whatever you make," Huang Quan replied with a smile. "I'm not picky."

"Okay," Ye Qin said as he headed to the kitchen. "I'll prepare the food, and you can continue reading."

"Sounds good," Huang Quan replied, in a good mood.


Early the next morning.

Nangong Mian stood in the courtyard and spoke with Huang Quan, saying, "Quan Quan, the Qin family won't let this go easily. I'll be leaving for a few days, so I want you to stay at the academy and not go out."

"Third brother, I understand."

"And also..." Nangong Mian frowned, "Try to stay with Ye Qin as much as possible. Don't separate from him to prevent Qin family members from infiltrating and capturing you."

"I got it."

"In my absence, take good care of yourself," Nangong Mian said. "Do you have enough medicine?"

"We still have some, enough until you come back, third brother."

"That's good." He had given all the instructions, but Nangong Mian still couldn't help but worry.

"Big brother, you can go with peace of mind. Don't worry about me," Huang Quan reassured him. "Just like when you used to go out before. I'll wait for you at home. Big brother, just relax."

Nangong Mian checked the time; it was almost time to assemble. Despite his reluctance, he had to leave.

"Alright," Nangong Mian said. "I'm leaving."

"Okay." Huang Quan waved her hand. "Goodbye, big brother."

Nangong Mian left with a heavy heart.

This time, fifty people were going on the expedition, and when Nangong Mian arrived at the gathering point, the others were already there. Ming Zhao saw him arrive slightly late and asked, "Did you have to say goodbye to your little sister again?"
