The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

As a formidable figure in the underworld that no one dared to provoke, Huang Quan had never imagined that she would be reborn!

Huang Quan, the underworld boss, suddenly found herself reincarnated as the young lady of a declining aristocratic family in the Phoenix Empire. This lady was known for her delicate and fragile constitution, often out of breath after just a few steps, and she lacked spiritual roots, making it impossible for her to practice cultivation. She was widely regarded as a useless person in the capital city.

Delicate and fragile? Unable to cultivate? Bullied by others?

For her frail body, there was medical treatment.

As for her inability to cultivate, she possessed a unique spiritual energy that could make all things flourish and bring life to the dead!

As for being bullied, she had a straightforward solution—beat you till you cry!

Huang Quan declared that she wasn’t afraid of any of the above. The only thing she was afraid of was…

Di Qin: “When will you marry me home?”

Huang Quan: “???” Shouldn’t it be you marrying me instead?

Table of contents

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Chapter 141

Chapter 151

Chapter 161

Chapter 171

Chapter 181

Chapter 191

Chapter 201

Chapter 142

Chapter 152

Chapter 162

Chapter 172

Chapter 182

Chapter 192

Chapter 202

Chapter 143

Chapter 153

Chapter 163

Chapter 173

Chapter 183

Chapter 193

Chapter 203

Chapter 144

Chapter 154

Chapter 164

Chapter 174

Chapter 184

Chapter 194

Chapter 204

Chapter 145

Chapter 155

Chapter 165

Chapter 175

Chapter 185

Chapter 195

Chapter 205

Chapter 146

Chapter 156

Chapter 166

Chapter 176

Chapter 186

Chapter 196

Chapter 206

Chapter 147

Chapter 157

Chapter 167

Chapter 177

Chapter 187

Chapter 197

Chapter 207

Chapter 148

Chapter 158

Chapter 168

Chapter 178

Chapter 188

Chapter 198

Chapter 208

Chapter 149

Chapter 159

Chapter 169

Chapter 179

Chapter 189

Chapter 199

Chapter 209

Chapter 150

Chapter 160

Chapter 170

Chapter 180

Chapter 190

Chapter 200

Chapter 210

Request me on Buy me a coffee for any novel that you would like translated. I will provide fast update


  1. The upcoming updates for the next month may be a bit delayed as I'll be focusing on preparing for my upcoming exams. I hope you all stay with me and don't give up on this novel, as I've promised it will be an exciting journey. Thank you for your understanding. Happy reading! By the way, if you'd like quicker updates and wanna request novels to be translated( I provide quick translation like more than 5 chaps per day) , you can support me on Your support would not only be greatly appreciated for my financial situation but also serve as motivation for me to continue delivering quality content.


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