Chapter 98

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Upon hearing the name "Huang Quan," a shadow of doubt crept over the man's face, eventually transforming into sheer shock.

Huang Quan – a name that had first reached his ears through the second prince. She had mercilessly slain Qin Yang's sister and father. Qin Yang, fueled by vengeance, returned with two formidable sixth-level Xuanling masters, only to meet their demise.

The disgraceful return of the two Xuanling masters had infuriated the second prince. Qin Yang was his pawn, and the failed revenge mission not only reflected poorly on the prince but also served as a direct insult to his authority.

Enraged, the second prince contemplated dispatching someone to the Tianhuang Kingdom's capital. However, the situation was delicate. Reports indicated that the one shielding Huang Quan was none other than the dean of the college. Though Emperor Tianhuang hadn't taken any direct action, his inaction seemed like tacit approval. The prime minister's death hinted at a biased stance.

Furious at the betrayal, the second prince initially considered retaliating against the Tianhuang Kingdom. But prudence prevailed – the dean of Tianhuang Capital College had ties to the Imperial College, making a hasty move risky.

The second prince had already sent agents to hunt down those responsible for the attempted assassination of the Dean in Tianhuang. Any misstep would echo back to the emperor's ears, especially with rumors circulating about the return of Prince Diqin.

Aware of the precarious situation, the second prince refrained from stirring up trouble at this critical juncture. Furthermore, news had surfaced that Huang Quan would participate in a competition in the Tianqi Empire. It seemed unnecessary to act before her arrival in the imperial capital.

The man, privy to these intricacies due to his connection with the second prince, initially overlooked the significance of Huang Quan's name. However, upon closer scrutiny, memories of the turbulent events resurfaced, casting a dark shadow over his countenance.

The second prince had once contemplated eliminating Huang Quan, but her newfound association with Ye Qin added a layer of complexity. A second attempt could not be risked without offending the high priest. As the man pieced together these thoughts, he couldn't help but wear an even darker expression.

Observing his reaction, Huang Quan inquired, "Judging by your expression, do you happen to recognize me?"

Huang Quan observed the man and, with a charming smile, remarked, "Ah, you're with the second prince. It's only natural for you to be familiar with my name. After all, there's been a bit of tension between me and the second prince."

The man, though maintaining a cold gaze, refrained from being confrontational. In the Tianqi Empire, there were three figures one should avoid provoking.

First and foremost was Prince Di Qin. The second in line was not the emperor but the Crown Prince. Offending the Crown Prince spelled certain doom. Following the Crown Prince was the high priest, a seer of celestial events. None dared to cross paths with the high priest. Finally, after the high priest came the emperor.

Despite the perception in the imperial capital that the second prince was formidable, he didn't even rank among the top three individuals one should avoid. Ye Qin, affiliated with the high priest, made provoking Huang Quan tantamount to challenging both Ye Qin and the high priest. Even the second prince hesitated to incur the wrath of the high priest. The matter at hand couldn't be pursued further; it had to be left behind.

 "Miss Huang is joking." After weighing it in his mind, the man looked at Huang Quan and smiled gently: "Qin Yang and the second prince are just acquaintances"

  "The second prince doesn't know what happened in Qin Yang's family. If there is any friction with Miss Huang because of this, it is not the second prince's intention. Please don't worry about it, Miss Huang."

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