Chapter 83

Table of contents

Under the moonlight, tiny specks of light danced like fireflies, quickly spreading across the courtyard. Huang Quan made his way to the door, closed it behind him, and turned to observe the green luminescence enveloping the entire yard. She couldn't help but sigh with relief.

"Fortunately," she thought to herself, "Even though Ye Qin hasn't returned yet, she managed to gather the deathly aura from him earlier, allowing her to keep it in check."

If it hadn't been for Ye Qin's deathly aura, the plants in the yard would have grown uncontrollably, and it would have been a shock to her third brother when he returned.

Huang Quan hurriedly reached the center of the yard and seated herself on the ground. She extended her hands, and the deathly aura she had gathered from Ye Qin began to flow out from her palms. As the energy emerged, Huang Quan swiftly formed a sealing technique.

The deathly aura began to drift towards the underworld, where it was continuously absorbed. With each passing moment, fewer and fewer light spots remained in the courtyard.

Time crept on. Half an hour later, the last trace of deathly aura merged into the seal. The seal began to radiate with a bright light, and the remaining light spots in the courtyard disappeared entirely.

"Huu," Huang Quan let out a sigh of relief, retracting her hands. The seal dissipated, and the courtyard returned to its peaceful state.

"Success," Huang Quan whispered, gazing at her hands. While the collection of Ye Qin's deathly aura had successfully subdued her life energy, she found it hard to feel elation at this moment.

There was an abundance of deathly aura in the underworld, but it couldn't suppress her life energy's eruption. The deathly aura collected from Ye Qin, on the other hand, managed to keep it in check. It was indeed perplexing.

As Huang Quan was stunned by the vast amount of deathly aura Ye Qin possessed on the day they first met, she was now equally astounded by this revelation. Simultaneously, she realized something important.

If the curse responsible for the death aura on Ye Qin's body was genuine, it must have consumed numerous lives. The questions plaguing her were why such a powerful curse afflicted him and how it could be undone.

If Ye Qin were merely a tool for manipulation, Huang Quan might not have given these thoughts a second glance. However, in Huang Quan's heart, Ye Qin meant much more than that.

"Quan Quan," Nangong Mian entered from outside and saw Huang Quan seated on the ground, lost in thought. He asked with curiosity, "What are you pondering while sitting on the ground?" Huang Quan turned to look at Nangong Mian and was somewhat surprised to see him return.

"Third brother, why did you return so early today?" Huang Quan inquired.

"Someone got injured at school today, so the teacher sent us home," Nangong Mian explained. He approached a nearby stone bench, intending to sit down. However, when he glanced at the courtyard, he noticed something strange—the plants and trees had grown significantly taller.

Are his eyes playing tricks with him?

No, something was amiss.

The plants and trees weren't this tall when he left in the morning.

This wasn't an illusion.

"Quanquan!" Nangong Mian turned to her and asked, "Why did those plants and trees suddenly grow taller?"

Huang Quan hesitated for a moment, then rose from the ground and hurried over to Nangong Mian. With a wave of her hand, a streak of green light shot towards a flower.

As the flower absorbed the green light, it grew a bit taller. Simultaneously, the buds that had sprouted from the life energy earlier began to bloom.

Nangong Mian was left speechless. While he knew about Quanquan's unique spiritual power, his attention had been entirely focused on the phrase "can bring the dead back to life" during their previous discussion, causing him to overlook these other abilities.
