Chapter 61

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The burly man was kicked and sent flying, landing on the ground with a loud thud, raising a cloud of dust and smoke.

"Ouch! Just looking at that makes me hurt."

"That kick took half of his life..."

"He deserved it."

After what happened at the auction house and the storytelling that took place in the theater, Huang Quan had become a figure of intrigue. The descriptions of her possessing extraordinary strength might have been somewhat exaggerated, but the crowd was now more inclined to believe them. Witnessing Huang Quan kick a man away with their own eyes only reinforced their beliefs.

Huang Quan walked up to the man who was writhing on the ground and asked with a smile, "Are you going to yield?"

The man had suffered internal injuries from Huang Quan's kick and had crashed onto the ground, causing him to vomit several times. He looked furious when he saw Huang Quan approaching and tried to grab her foot, but as he reached out, Huang Quan stomped on the ground. The sickening sound of breaking bones filled the air, and the man cried out in agony.

"If I were him, I'd beg for mercy right now."

"I'd beg to die, beg quickly, so I don't have to suffer this torture."

"Don't these people assess their opponents' strength before taking action?" someone remarked. "No wonder they're getting beaten. How did they ever dare to take on the mission of killing Huang Quan?"

"Who knows."

"I guess they're used to acting recklessly in the black market, thinking they're invincible."

Huang Quan commented with a slow, mocking tone, "I've always had a knack for making a quick death." She looked at the man and continued, "But you've truly inspired me to think about torture."

"Qin Yuan is dead, and you still dare to act so arrogantly. Do you think Qin Yang can deal with me?" 

The man sneered and replied, "Huang Quan, no matter how powerful you are, do you think you can defeat the masters who came with Master Qin when he returned from Tianqi?"

Huang Quan responded with confidence, "Of course I can. But you won't be able to witness it."

"Although I really want to torture you, it's getting late, and I need to go home. So let's finish this quickly." With those words, she crushed the man's neck beneath her foot. None of the others in the mercenary group were spared.

The group was annihilated!

People who had previously been victimized by these mercenary groups were overjoyed, but they were also struck with fear of Huang Quan.

After dealing with the man, Huang Quan retrieved the porcelain bottle from him and turned to the young master of the Ye family. She tossed the bottle to him and said, "Take this, and don't let it get stolen again." Then she turned as if ready to leave.

"Miss Huang Quan..." The young master Ye chased after her, "Thank you. If it weren't for you, the elixir would surely have been taken." Huang Quan looked at him and replied, "If I hadn't been here, you should have dealt with it separately. But since I was here, I couldn't allow them to rob you of your belongings."

Huang Quan was aware that her primary motivation was financial gain, and considering the substantial sum she had acquired, it made sense to prioritize money. She felt compelled to express her gratitude for the protection she had received, even though she didn't actually require it.

"Thank you for your assistance," she said, "even though I didn't need it."

Master Ye acknowledged her thanks with a smile. "I may not have offered much help, but you ensured I retrieved my belongings without suffering harm."

Huang Quan responded modestly, "It was a small gesture." Recognizing that it was getting late, she continued, "Farewell, and we may meet again if circumstances allow."

Master Ye agreed, "Yes."

Before departing, Huang Quan glanced at the lifeless bodies. Noticing a task list left near the corpses, she contemplated for a moment before swiftly approaching it. With determination, she picked up the list and inquired of the onlookers, "Could someone lend me a pen, please?"

While the crowd wasn't sure of her intentions, someone provided her with a pen. She accepted it with gratitude, crossed out the original bounty amount of 'ten million,' and replaced it with 'priceless.'

Once she finished writing, Huang Quan still felt it was a modest adjustment, but it was far preferable to the original 10 million. Without further alterations, she returned the pen and made her departure.
