Chapter 47

Table of contents

After Huang Quan and Ye Qin had left, the Qin family rushed into the alley. Upon seeing Prime Minister Qin lying lifeless on the ground, the Qin family was overcome with grief.

The onlookers, who had enjoyed the spectacle, were fearful that the Qin family might cause trouble for them and dispersed. They quickly spread the news to a nearby teahouse.

"Have you heard? Prime Minister Qin is dead. He was killed by that good-for-nothing young lady from the Nangong family!"

"Impossible!" Some skeptics voiced their disbelief, "Prime Minister Qin is an eighth-level spiritual master. Everyone knows that the Nangong family's good-for-nothing young lady doesn't possess any spiritual roots. How could she possibly kill an eighth-level spiritual master?"

"It's true. Many people witnessed the incident outside the Tianhuang Auction House, and the news has already spread like wildfire."

"This is outrageous! If it's true, that young lady is dead!"

"She must be dead. Regardless of the grudge she holds against the Qin family, she shouldn't have killed Prime Minister Qin directly. Not only is he the head of the Qin family, but he also serves as the prime minister of Tianhuang. Killing the prime minister is a grave crime that would prompt an arrest order from His Majesty. Even if the emperor doesn't issue such an order, Prime Minister Qin's students will report it!"

"I find this highly unjust. The Qin family can kill people at will, yet they're the ones who need to be arrested?"

"But that's the Prime Minister. Can you really compare him to ordinary people?"

"What's wrong with the Prime Minister? Even the emperor should be held accountable for breaking the law, just like the common people!"

"Come on, that's just a saying. Don't take it too literally."

At the academy...


"What's the matter?"

"Prime Minister Qin is dead!" A shocked student shared the news he had just received with others around him. "Huang Quan killed him outside the Tianhuang Auction House. It's true, and the news has already reached the entire capital!"

"Huang Quan!?"

"Is this for real? Wasn't she considered a worthless waste?"

"She may not have spiritual roots, but calling her a waste doesn't seem right." Another student explained, "I was there when Prime Minister Qin confronted Huang Quan. Even sixth-level spiritual masters couldn't match her. So, she can't be a waste!"

"If she's not a waste, how powerful is she?" A curious student asked.

"Prime Minister Qin is dead, and he wasn't the only one." 

Many students discussed the news in hushed voices.

"Not just an eighth-level spiritual master, but more than a dozen of them, and they couldn't protect Prime Minister Qin. Her level is too high!"

"She's also said to have defeated some Qin family members who tried to stop her. And she did it with a single move!"

"A single move against an eighth-level spiritual master, and she doesn’t even have spiritual energy. If she has martial arts skills, she must be a warrior approaching the holy realm!"

"That's absurd! Look at her frail appearance. Does she look like someone who practices martial arts? Not to mention reaching the holy realm!"

These comments left the students in silence, pondering the same question: How did she become so powerful without spiritual roots or martial arts training?

After lunch, Huang Quan and Ye Qin returned to the college. As they entered, they were greeted by a sight that startled Huang Quan. A large crowd of students had gathered at the college entrance. Their eyes locked onto Huang Quan and Ye Qin, their gazes hungry and eager.

Feeling the intensity of their stares, Huang Quan stepped back, pulling Ye Qin with her to create some distance from the students.

"Isn't it class time? Why are you all gathered at the entrance?" Huang Quan asked.

"We've been waiting for you," one student replied, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. "We've been waiting a long time."
